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Published: 2020
Pages: 365

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Back-Up Bridge in Time

By Holtes & Sietsma

After the elderly nun had briefly knocked on the door, she quickly walked into the room, put down the tray and opened the shutters in a routine manner. She stood for a short moment enjoying the sweet aroma of blossoming flowers and herbs that flowed in. In thought she thanked God for this beautiful morning, as she let her eyes wander over her convent, the gardens, and the afforestation behind it. As always, apart from the sounds of nature all around, there was nothing that disturbed the serene tranquility.

Since its construction in 1591, during the Spanish domination of Mexico, all the work in and around the monastery of the monastic Dominicans had been done by hand.

To herself she murmured the words of a former pope, engraved in her memory.

Grateful that she too was allowed to serve, she devoutly struck a cross, walked back into the room and carefully picked up the tray to devote herself to the extra task.

A task that because of circumstances had been forgotten by the outside world, but which had been carried out outside of normal work since time immemorial. The care for ‘The Lady’. A daily ritual that was lovingly performed by specially appointed and trained sisters.

As she walked toward The Lady, she suddenly stopped and stood motionless. She could hardly believe it.

However, it did not take long before she started moving again, for through her training she knew immediately how to act when the moment presented itself. Calmly she put the tray down again, hurried to the open window and gave a firm jolt to the rope that hung next to it. For the first time in the monastery’s long history, a special bell began to peal. As loud and clear as she could, she shouted: “The Lady has spoken, the Lady has spoken!”

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Holtes & Sietsma

About the author

Hi, I’m Bert Holtes.

Born in 1957 in Alkmaar, the centuries-old, picturesque town in the Netherlands, which is world-famous for its cheese market.

I love everything, from thrillers to SciFi and everything in between.

After many hectic years filled with all kinds of outdoor activities – from a confectioner, marine (conscription), policeman, entrepreneur and executive in various industries – since 2010, after selling all activities, I am getting some more rest now.

During those hectic years, I was not able to do much reading.

And when you have the time now, what would you do … Right. Write a book.

So, I’m a writer now, an author.

Although … Writing is a big word, because in elementary school I was

not really paying attention during the Dutch language classes.

I do have a great imagination, though. So I have written hundreds of pages.

But a book has to be well put together in terms of story and timeline and, of course, also linguistically.

That’s why Wop, my dearest, with whom I’ve been sharing ups and downs for over 40 years, came up with the generous idea of helping me by taking on the finishing touches. In this way she unintentionally became co-author of the duo HOLTES & SIETSMA.

Well, she might have regretted that. After five winters of hard work, she has – after checking the storyline, making the necessary fantastic additions and putting commas and points in the right place – turned it into a challenging, readable story. It has become a beautiful global story.

At least … That’s what we think!

I will leave the final assessment to you, of course.

Curious? Read our book and … pssst … The eBook is free!

Oh yes, if you have read it, I would love to hear your reaction.

The easiest way to leave it is via our website, at the ‘Review’ section.

Thank you in advance!


Holtes & Sietsma

Holtes & Sietsma