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PAGES: 124

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‘A Comedy of Errors’ in Seven Acts

By Spokeshave

I feel a mighty task doth bear me down. When distance held the burden in its hand, It seemed that, like a vessel on the stock, ‘Twould easy, when the holding blocks were moved, Slip gently down into the sea of states; But now that nearness stares me in the face, Wearing a prophetic grin, methinks, I see Deep obstacles that bar the slippery ways, On which the ship must glide to waters deep.

A boat to safely sail in troubled seas Must boast a captain skilled in watery lore. But he was helpless if the vessel’s crew Have not the cunning which of years is born. Alas, from out of the black and threatening sky, one star alone of all the eyes of Night Doth faintly pierced the gloom and lit our way to a safe solution to the knotty point. If but the Captain wears a stately mien And walketh deck with slow and kingly tread…

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