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PAGES: 173

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AL Clark

By Jonathan G. Meyer

His eyes opened to near-total darkness, and he saw a small spot of light directly overhead—a tiny star surrounded by a velvety darkness. A single bright dot in the void grew and expanded to fill his vision until he blinked, and it returned to a tiny pinhole of light. He could see just enough to determine he was lying in a box not much larger than his body. The soft glow from the pinhole over his head allowed just enough light to see cold, dark metal surrounding him. Somewhere far away, an alarm was sounding. His head swung back and forth frantically, trying to understand, and fear grabbed at his heart as a disturbing realization surfaced. Where am I?

Desperately, he raised his arms and pressed hard on the surface above him. He felt a slight shift to his right, so he concentrated his efforts on that side. His fear made him strong, and with surprising speed, the lid flew open on concealed hinges and bounced off something—only to slam closed again. For part of a second, he managed to glimpse a small grey room and an oval metal door just a few feet beyond the end of the box. With less effort, a second attempt to free himself was rewarded, with the lid swinging to the side and remaining open. The distant alarm outside the metal box changed to a loud screech as the man eased himself into a sitting position and tried to make sense of his surroundings. It was a small and valuable room, a cubby hole with barely enough room for the silver metal box. The lighting was minimal, leaving details fuzzy, but it appeared this room was designed specifically for the box.

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Jonathan G. Meyer

Jonathan G. Meyer is a Midwestern author with a lifelong passion for Science Fiction.


As the middle child in a family with seven children, he spent many hours alone. Travelling to exotic worlds, exploring alien ships, and having futuristic adventures with robots became his escape. Now retired, his love for classical science fiction allowed him to write his first book at 60.

Al Clark is a story capable of transporting the reader to new worlds and exciting adventures. His goal is to write good Old-Fashioned Science Fiction. The success of Al Clark (Book One) prompted him to add to the series with books two, three, four, and five, plus a short prequel titled ‘Christopher’s Journal.’ In addition, he has published a standalone Alien Contact story titled ‘Vincent’ and an Alternate History Adventure he named, ‘A Curious Orb’.

Jonathan G. Meyer

Jonathan G. Meyer