Kevin Stiles stared at the computer screen, his wide eyes twitching.
It was Monday morning. He had just finished pulling an all-nighter to work on his research paper. And now it was finally done. Well, not exactly done…but it was close enough. Conclusion? Screw it, he decided.
He looked at his wristwatch. 7:20. He had five minutes to reach the bus stop.
Kevin glanced down at his clothes: a simple t-shirt and blue jeans. It was what he had worn the day before, but now was not the time to be picky, even if his clothes did smell slightly of old socks. He pointed out his homework and shoved it down his backpack. On his way out he stopped by the bathroom, splashed cold water on his face, combed his hair, gargled with mouthwash, and dabbled a bit of cologne over his shirt in under thirty seconds. Then he rushed to the front door and eyed the table in the living room. His lunch bag wasn’t there.
Kevin heaved a sigh. Mom forgot. Again. I guess I’ll just have to buy lunch.
Out the door he went, hurrying to the far end of the driveway. Andrew Shoemaker, his next-door neighbor, sat on the curb, leaning against the oak tree. Andrew had on a dress shirt and baggy slacks. Within this suburban area, they both attended the same public school, Rockville Middle. They were both in the eighth grade. Andrew also attended a few of his classes, though Kevin couldn’t remember which ones.
Kevin stood next to Andrew, glimpsing at his watch again. 7:25. He looked down the street. No sign of the bus. No loud screeching. No flashing lights. Nothing. Though the bus driver was known to be punctual, it wouldn’t be the first time she was late.
Tired, Kevin closed his eyes for a moment. Andrew played with a broken stick, tapping it against the asphalt. They both waited quietly for the bus to arrive. The silence lasted for a while.
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Egan Yip
About the author
Hello everyone! I enjoy writing Sci-fi/Fantasy for Middle grades/Young Adults. I have currently self-published four books. Two books are of the Coranite Chronicles series. Of the other books I have, one is called S3: A Smack in Time and the other is Awake.