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PAGES: 328

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By Jay Caselberg

Set in a distant binary star system, warring families struggle for supremacy. Politics and intrigue thrive against a backdrop of tumultuous conditions, an alien race and a society forced to come to terms with the cyclical changes of their colony world.

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Jay Caselberg

Jay Caselberg (born 1958) is an Australian science fiction writer.


He has also used the name ‘James Hartley’ for some of his short fiction. His four novels are the Jack Stein series, comprising Wyrmhole, Metal Sky, The Star Tablet, and Wall of Mirrors, published 2003-2006 by Roc Books. Subsequent works appeared mostly in the small press, comprising “Empties” and “The Jackal Dreaming” as J. A Caselberg, “The Memory Box” and “Breath” as Jackson Creed.

Jay Caselberg

Jay Caselberg