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Bound by Family

By Ryan Michele

Regardless, he’s been by my side for years, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. When no response comes from me, Ryker walks up to the man and gives him a savage kick to the gut, making him curl into a ball to protect himself. Green and Jack stand off to the side of the small space. We brought Stu to one of our outbuildings. It’s more like a rundown shack but has what we need to do the job. “I’m thinkin’ we need to take off some piggies,” Ryker says, and a chuckle escapes me.

He does have a way with words, saying exactly what he thinks with not an ounce of filter. “Give me a shot,” Jacks, another of my brothers and a friend from high school, says as he holds his hand out to me, waiting for the hammer. Handing it to him, I then step back and cross my arms. It’s not me being a pussy. It’s me wanting to get this shit done so we can get the fuck out of here. “Money,” I bark out to Stu as Ryker gives him another hard kick to his thigh. Stu owes our club fifty thousand seven hundred dollars and some change for merchandise he purchased.

We gave him a week after the initial payment of fifty grand went smoothly. Ravage and Stu have a history, and at that time, this was the first instance when Stu hadn’t paid up in full. It’ll be the last time as well. “I-I can have it b-by the weekend,” Stu stammers out as Jack swings the hammer, hitting Stu in the ankle. Another crunching sound reverberates throughout the room. Ryker smirks, standing next to me and giving me a slight bump on the shoulder with his elbow. “Believe this fucker? Weekend?” He shakes his head and spits down at Stu. “Motherfucker, you have twenty-four hours to come up with the cash.”

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Ryan Michele

Ryan Michele is the Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling author of over 40 romantic suspense novels.


She found her passion in bringing fictional characters to life, being in an imaginative world where anything is possible. Her knack for unexpected twists and turns will have you on the edge of your seat with each page. She is best known for her alpha, bad-boy bikers and strong, independent heroines who refuse to back down.

You can find her on her swing, watching the water ripple in the pond and plotting her next book when she’s not writing.

Ryan Michele

Ryan Michele