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Dark Promise Between Worlds, Book 1

By Talia Jager

Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I dabbed more concealer on the star-like birthmark near the corner of my right eye. It was useless; the cover-up seemed to melt away when I put it over the pale shape—stupid birthmark. I considered making it pop like I sometimes did by drawing lines to make it look like a shooting star or outlining it with bright eyeliner to make it stand out—not that it didn’t already stand out next to the sapphire blue of my eye and my insanely pale skin. But if I tried actually to cover it, it rebelled—almost as if it had a life of its own.

With a sigh, I carefully placed the makeup back in the medicine cabinet, ensuring everything was perfectly lined up. I switched a couple of tubes around until they were colour-coordinated and then arranged everything to face front to back. Things that were out of place drove me crazy. I returned to my room and stopped at the little white desk my dad had made for me when I started middle school. An eerie feeling came over me, like I was being watched from beyond the window. Leaning over the desk, I pushed the turquoise curtains to the side and peered out, trying to find the source, but as usual, I saw nothing out of the ordinary.

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Talia Jager


About the author – Talia loves to create worlds and characters and often finds herself living through her stories. Talia is no stranger to labels and judgment. She has slowly developed her voice for those who need help speaking up. She believes that someday, labels will be a thing of the past, that sexuality will be fluid, love will be love and mental illness will be handled with love and care.

Talia has written several books, including Damaged: Natalie’s Story, Teagan’s Story: Her Battle with Epilepsy, If I Die Young, Secret Bloodline, Lost and Found, Falling for Fire, Touch of Death, The Gifted Teens Series, The Between Worlds Series and The Beyond Earth Series. Her latest release is the Beyond Earth series, a futuristic sci-fi series with a female/female love story. Stay tuned, for Talia has many other stories swirling in her head, and she can’t wait to introduce you to new characters.

Talia Jager

Talia Jager