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Delver Magic I: Sanctum’s Breach

By Jeff Inlo

A rolling tremor passes through the land of Uton, signalling a return of long-absent magic and an ancient evil accompanying it. Ryson Acumen, a purebred delver, senses the changes and begins his explorations to discover the source behind the upheaval. In his investigations, he learns that legends he considered fables hold more truth than fantasy. The delver encounters elves and learns the Sphere of Ingar, a talisman that captured all magical energies long ago, is free from its tomb in Sanctum Mountain.

As violent, evil creatures return to shred the very fabric of reality, the sphere gains awareness and chooses to spew corrupted magical energies to obliterate all life. The sphere must be destroyed, but it rests within Sanctum, a hollow mountain with a single path to its centre. The way to the sphere remains defended by devices created long ago, forged by members of each race to thwart entry to the mountain’s core. Those who wish to defeat the sphere must not only overcome these barriers but also conquer the mistrust that has flourished during the long period of separation.

Humans, elves, dwarfs, Algor, and Delver must reunite to defeat the obstacles that now protect the sphere. Once inside Sanctum, representatives of each race face the secrets of the ages that, once undone, will change their lives forever.

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Jeff Inlo


Jeff Inlo spent several years in NJ with his wife, Joan, and their dogs. He wrote over twenty novels, focusing on fantasy and science fiction. Recently, he retired and moved to Pennsylvania. His last novel was the 15th book in the Delver Magic Series featuring the purebred Delver Ryson Acumen.

Jeff Inlo

Jeff Inlo