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Fast as the Wind

By Nat Gould

Horse lovers and action-adventure fans will delight in this fast-paced tale from British novelist and journalist Nat Gould. As a lifetime fan of horse racing who covered the sport for various publications throughout his career, Gould packs Fast as the Wind with the kind of expert detail that knowledgeable connoisseurs will appreciate.

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Nat Gould

Nathaniel Gould (21 December 1857 – 25 July 1919) was a British novelist, commonly known as Nat Gould.


Gould was born in Manchester, Lancashire, and was the only surviving child of Nathaniel Gould, a tea merchant, and his wife Mary, née Wright. Both parents came from Derbyshire yeomen families. The boy was indulgently brought up and well-educated. His father died just before he left school, and Gould first tried his father’s tea trade and then farming at Bradbourne with his uncles. Gould became an excellent horseman but a poor farmer. In 1877, he was given a position in the Newark Advertiser in reply to an advertisement, gaining an excellent all-round knowledge of press work. After a few years, he became restless, and in 1884, sailed for Australia, where he became a reporter for the Brisbane Telegraph in its shipping, commercial and racing departments. 1887, after disagreements with the Telegraph management, Gould went to Sydney and worked on the Referee as “Verax”, its horse-racing editor.

Later, Gould worked for the Sunday Times and Evening News. Then, after 18 months at Bathurst as the editor of the Bathurst Times, he wrote his first novel, With the Tide, which appeared as a serial in the Referee. He returned to Sydney and the Referee and wrote another six other stories for the same paper. In 1891, his first novel, With the Tide, was published in book form in England under The Double Event and was an immediate success; it sold over 100,000 copies in its first ten years and was still in print in 1919. It was dramatized in Australia and had a long run in 1893. In 1895, Gould returned to England; he had been 11 years in Australia, and he felt that his experiences had made a man of him. In England, Gould returned to writing fiction, writing an average of over four novels a year; about 130 are listed in Miller’s Australian Literature.

Nat Gould

Nat Gould