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First Magic

By Raven Steele

I let the classroom empty before I stood to relieve my stiff joints. Because of my delay, I caught Mr. Yazzie contorting his body into what looked like a dance position—elbows bent, hands outstretched. He shuffled his feet a few times before finally thrusting his hips forward and leaving the room. I felt confident he wouldn’t have made such an uncharacteristic move if he had realized I was still in the room, but I often went unnoticed. Being invisible is, after all, my priority. I gathered my books and followed Mr. Yazzie out the door. He didn’t attempt the awkward jig again, but I wondered what caused this sudden character break. Perhaps he had a hot date tonight, a lady friend he had met on the Internet. Walking in front of me, Mr. Yazzie reached behind his back and tugged at invisible material stuck deep inside his butt crack.

Okay, so maybe it is not a hot date. Perhaps it was the season premiere of some new sci-fi series involving flagella and protozoa battling one another to the death. This theory made much more sense. I veered to the left and down a long hallway to my locker, where I dropped off my books. I considered skipping the morning assembly. It was just a mini pep rally put on by the principal to get us excited for the new school year. Behind me, other seniors had the same idea, but they bravely acted upon their desire and disappeared out a nearby door. I decided not to follow in case someone saw me. I might be considered “cool” if caught and thereby labelled. I was comfortable with my current label of “weird girl” or “who?” and I didn’t want that to change.

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Raven Steele

Born at the stroke of midnight, Raven Steele grew up in a home bordering a graveyard as old as time.


Ghosts became her only friends and whispered tales of a world between night and day. In this place, monsters roamed the lands, magic curled in the wind, and good and evil fought over the hearts and minds of humans. Desperate not to let those dark and brave creatures be forgotten, Raven wrote down the words of the ghosts, knowing their stories of triumph and sorrow would give strength and comfort to those in our world. And so, when the sun sets, Raven retreats to the cemetery at the edge of the woods, where she sits and listens to the dead speak their tales of Rouen and all of its inhabitants.

Because one day, our two worlds may collide, and when they do, we must be ready. When their darkness bleeds into ours, we will fight for more than our lives. We will be battling for our souls. Raven Steele is the pen name of USA Today’s bestselling author Rachel McClellan.

Raven Steele

Raven Steele