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Forever Warriors

By M.J. Sewall

He saw lots of kids from Sea Valley High. SVH was only a few blocks from Ocean Burgers, so he knew they got slammed for lunch. He’d even stopped by a few times between classes but didn’t realize the rest of the night would be so busy. Zacke still couldn’t get used to the open campuses in California. He still felt new at SVH, and you walked out into the sunshine to your locker, or your next class still seemed surreal. He recalled being jammed together in the noisy, multi-leveled school halls during Michigan’s cold, wet winters.

The slippery floors, the constant echoing sound of lockers slamming shut. Being able to walk off campus to get lunch was an excellent idea, but Zacke usually stuck to campus. It was cheaper that way, and he was determined to keep his eyes on his future. Looking ahead kept him from thinking about his mom. His trainer, Victoria, flung him a smile. He thought Victoria was an old lady’s name, but she made it hot. Zacke still hadn’t been able to hear any of her thoughts, which somehow made him like her more. He needed to concentrate. Stay focused. Keep the lid shut tight.

With all the people around, it was hard to shut out the random thoughts, which was one of the reasons he took this job. I must control this. Zacke took a tray of crumpled burger wrappers, dumped them in the trash, and headed for the following dirty table. He had gotten better every day, keeping the thoughts out. Zacke let himself experiment, letting specific thoughts come into his mind. His control was improving, and his thoughts were more straightforward and vital to understand.

The blonde with her boyfriend thought, …I’ll ask to use his phone. He knows mine’s broken. It’s not snooping… With her little boy off to one side, the mom thought I wouldn’t say I like all these crowds. I’ll get it to go next time… A group of jocks were coming through the door into the long line. Zacke recognized one of them. It was Cody Nichols. He was undefeated on the varsity team so far. The first game of the new school year was a blowout at 47-6, and Cody was the youngest quarterback in history at SVH to hear the locals tell it.

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M.J. Sewall


About the author – I am a lifelong writer in many genres. My novels and non-fiction work share the theme of exploring dark, unexplored places. That sounds pretentious, I know. Mostly, I make up stories and write them down. A unique subconscious alchemy is happening, but don’t look at me; I have no idea how it works.

Whether it’s boys chosen to be king, giant monsters attacking, kids with seemingly magical powers, or just an unravelling of deeply held assumptions, I write to explore. My only rule is that it must be a great story.

M.J. Sewall

M.J. Sewall