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PAGES: 163

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German Science Reader

By Charles F. Kroeh

This Reader aims not merely to afford the student a certain amount of experience in reading scientific German but to attack the subject systematically. The selections are not chosen at random. They are arranged progressively and consist of fundamental definitions, descriptions, processes, and problems of Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Physics, and Chemistry. These are linguistically the most essential subjects for scientific and engineering students to read first because they contain the terms and modes of expression that recur in all subsequent reading and because they include these terms in the most straightforward possible connections. A student who has mastered these pages will find no difficulty reading any scientific German he may meet in his professional work.

To the Student.—Do not be content with simply translating these selections. Let your object be to acquire first an excellent working vocabulary for all future time and, secondly, the ability to understand German by merely reading it. Both ends are gained by reading over the German several times after you have translated it. The best way is to read it aloud, observing pauses and emphasis, as if you were communicating the thoughts of the book to another person. Pronouncing words, phrases, and sentences is a great help to the memory.

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Charles F. Kroeh


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Charles F. Kroeh

Charles F. Kroeh