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Heart of Stone Emery and Jackson

By Chiquita Dennie

THE BEEPING OF THE hospital monitor used to drive me crazy when I was younger and visited my grandfather when he was battling cancer. Every time we came for a visit, I’d somehow get lost in counting the beeps. Lately, we’ve come for my grandmother because of her high blood pressure. A few days ago, I would have never imagined the way my life would turn out since Anthony, and I broke up.

“Emery, Emery honey!” Mom called out.

“Oh Lord Elisabeth, my grandchild has done gone into shock,” Granny stated.

“Ma, she’s not in shock,” Elisabeth said.

“Hush, yes she is or what they call it now turned out.”

“Huh?” I answered.

“Momma, what do you know about turning out?” Mom questioned.

“Sorry, I just zoned out for a second,” I responded.

“Zoned out, turned out. At the end of the day, it’s all the same in my book.”

“Emery pass me my purse.”

“Oh sure, here you go.”

“I’m going downstairs to grab something to eat. You want anything?”

“I’m fine.”

“Grab me a burger and fries,” Granny answered.

“Momma, you’re in the hospital for high cholesterol and blood pressure. I’m not getting you a burger and fries.”

Granny waved my mom off and rolled her eyes.

“Emery, your mother’s a hater.”

Laughing at her statement, my mother shook her head in disbelief.

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Chiquita Dennie

Chiquita Dennie is a Bestselling Author, Filmmaker, Podcast host, and Entrepreneur. Born in Memphis, TN, and a Los Angeles, CA native. Her background started in film/TV, ranging from Tyra Banks, Dr. Phil, American Idol, and a host of other Emmy award-winning shows. Also, she is an award-winning filmmaker with her directing debut short film “Invisible.” Chiquita transitioned to publishing in 20217 after turning her screenplay into the Dark Romance series Antonio and Sabrina, which fans have embraced. Nominated for 2021 Author Queen of the Year, Best Black Romance “Mutual Agreement,” and Best Interracial Romance for “She’s All In Need” by Black Girls Who Write. She writes contemporary steamy romance, romantic suspense, women’s fiction, fantasy, and so much more. Find her other works from filmmaking, publishing, and podcasting at other work links. Chiquita Dennie is a member of RWA, Film Independent, Women In Film, Women in Media, Alli, and Authors Guild.

Fun Facts.

  1. Antonio and Sabrina romantic suspense series is based on a screenplay.
  2. I was apart of the honor role society in high school.
  3. I’ve worked on many tv and film sets from Dr. Phil Show, Tyra Banks, Deal or No Deal, American Idol and more before publishing books.
  4. Favorite food is nachos.
  5. I love old black and white films.
  6. I wrote, produced, and directed my first short film in 2017 (invisible) that won multiple festival awards.

Chiquita Dennie

Chiquita Dennie