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Infinity: The Fifth Bride of Pharaoh

By Catalina DuBois

This friend of Sara’s was nothing like what she’d expected of a princess of Egypt. Sobek had only been in Nubia one night when she convinced Sara they should disguise themselves as commoners, sneak out of the palace, and attend a festival in the lower village. The sun descended below the horizon, bathing the joyous festival in magnificent twilight. There were magic shows, puppeteers, acrobats, and jugglers. Vendors and merchants filled the streets as far as the eye could see. They sold food, spices, livestock, and fabrics. The scent of sweet desserts and salty meats wafted throughout the kingdom. You could practically taste the air.

Some structures in Nubia were humble. Others soared clear to the heavens with mighty pillars and statues of the gods. All were swarming with elated figures, drunk on beer, love, and happiness. This festival was held to celebrate Wepet Renpet, also known as the year’s opening, which was marked by the Nile’s annual flood. This Egyptian New Year also served as an assembly period for the Counsel of African Kings. Pharaoh Amenemhat, a former rival of Nubia, would be in attendance this year. Nubia welcomed Egypt warmly, a symbol of peace between the two nations.

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Catalina DuBois


About the author – A little about me… Usually, my handlers do a better job keeping me muzzled because I was born without a filter on my mouth, but in the spirit of Christmas, I was allowed to write my author page. This is the part where I’m supposed to show you some boring black-and-white headshot while I ramble on about my awards, degrees, accolades, and the number of books I’ve published blah blah blah (I’m rolling my eyes and making the jerk-off motion with my fist). Do people read that self-aggrandizing drivel? I certainly don’t. Anyway, what I would prefer to say is hi, I’m Catalina. I live in the southwest in the sort of town where every driveway has a pickup truck. I can see cows from my home office window (If the wind shifts, I have the misfortune of smelling them, too).

Our only nightclub doubles as a bowling alley, and you can’t go anywhere without spotting at least three people you know. Rain is a rare and wonderful blessing in the desert, so I sip a steaming cup of Earl Grey and watch the storm from my porch. New Mexico is called the land of enchantment. Every time I watch the sunrise over the plains, I agree wholeheartedly. Ribbons of crimson sprawl over the prairie, followed by a burst of orange and golden rays that make the hills spring to life and sing. I’m sure most of you live in more exciting places, but I love this sleepy little town and its people. I like motorcycles, camping trips, and writing romantic books with a flair for mystery as this is the last time I will ever be allowed to speak I just wanted to wish you all the best from the southwest.

Catalina DuBois

Catalina DuBois