Mademoiselle At Arms
Set in the late Georgian era, Elizabeth Bailey’s traditional historical romance features an unconventional heroine with a rebellious spirit who runs headlong into adventure. Threatened with a pistol by the young lady discovered in a deserted mansion, Major Gerald Alderley is instantly intrigued. Who is the beautiful intruder? And why does she disguise herself as a nun? What circumstance has thrust her into an enterprise both foolhardy and dangerous?
The girl’s French accent places her with the émigrés from across the channel, except that Mademoiselle insists she is English. Set on unravelling the mystery, Gerald begins a relentless pursuit, hunting down every possible clue – much to the indignation of Mademoiselle. When her life proves to be in danger from the villainous émigré Valade, Gerald has his work cut out. Mademoiselle Melusine, engaged in a desperate battle to prove her true identity, believes she can care for herself and is determined not to be rescued.
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Elizabeth Bailey
Answering that “tell me about yourself” question is always tricky. You either sound dry and dull or enthusiastic. Like the heroes and heroines of my stories, I fall somewhere between the two. Life throws you around, and you struggle to stay on top of it while trying to follow your dreams. I feel lucky to have found several paths that have given me immense satisfaction – acting, directing, teaching and, by no means least, writing. Through the years, each path has crossed the other, honing and deepening my abilities in each sphere. I’ve been privileged to work with some wonderful artistic people and been fortunate enough to find publishers who believed in me and set me on the road.
With the advent of the ebook, I do it myself as well and enjoy the freedom to publish stories that might not otherwise see the light of day. What changeable times we live in! I am overwhelmed and delighted to have grown a faithful readership for Lady Fan, and as a hybrid author, I feel I have the best of both worlds now – traditional and independent publishing. None of us make it alone, and it’s a joy to me to see other writers bloom and grow, and when I have a hand in their success, it’s doubly rewarding. To invent a world and persuade others to believe in it and live in it for a while is the sole aim of the novelist. My love of reading has never waned, and if I can give a tithe of the pleasure to others as I have received myself, it’s worth all the effort.