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By Sydney Landon

“If I don’t have a date with me tonight, Monique will have her hand on my cock before the first course is finished.” My friend and employee, Aidan Spencer, tries unsuccessfully to hide the smirk on his face at my prediction. Unfortunately, or fortunately, whichever way you want to look at it, we both know I’m right. Monique Chandler is always on the prowl and right now, her sights are set on me…again. Fucking her was one of the biggest mistakes I’ve made recently. No pussy is worth that kind of Hell, especially when it was a sub-par fuck, at best.

“Yeah, that must be a tough problem to have. I guess I could run interference for you. Do you think she would have her hand on my dick by the end of the evening?”

I laugh saying, “Be careful what you wish for. That is one bed-hop you might want to rethink. She’s a fucking viper. As much as I want to discuss your future sexual conquests, right now I need a date.”

“Maybe you should have thought about that before you dumped Laurie last week. You couldn’t put that off until after dinner tonight?”

I prop my legs on the desk, crossing them at the ankles. “No, Laurie punched her ticket when she laid down the ultimatum. I grant you, that the timing was less than perfect, but I have never caved to threats, and I’m not going to start now. The only thing she gave a damn about anyway was the balance in my bank account.

“Well, at least you didn’t have to waste a lot of time moving her out of your place. Did she ever actually see the inside of it?”

I stare at my friend before answering, “You know better.”

Aidan shakes his head. “I don’t understand that, Luc.”

“What’s to understand? My home is mine. I don’t intend to spend my life with any of these women, so why complicate things?” Shooting him a smirk, I add, “You’re not exactly playing ‘happy home’ with any of your women, either, so why bust my balls?”

“There’s a difference between me and you, my friend,” Aidan says. “I’ve had women in my home and my bed. You dated Laurie for months, and she never even walked through your place? Fuck man, how did you even explain that to her?”

I raise a brow at the question. “I don’t explain myself to anyone, Laurie included. She will have someone else on the hook by the end of the month, anyway.”

Aidan rocks back in his chair smiling. “I think you are giving yourself too much credit, my man; she will have someone else by the end of the week. Of course, he will probably be well-advanced in years, but if the money is there, I’m sure Laurie can overlook everything else.”

Smiling at his accurate assessment of Laurie, I nod in agreement because it’s more than fucking true. I mentally brace myself. Damn, this next question is going to hurt. “I hate to ask, but do you know anyone who would be available to accompany me tonight and not think I’m going to be picking out china with them next week?”

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Sydney Landon


Sydney Landon is the New York Times & USA Today Best Selling author of Weekends Required, Not Planning on You, Fall For Me, Fighting For You, Betting on You, No Denying You, Always Loving You, Pierced and Fractured. Sydney is currently working on the next book in the Danvers’ Series as well as the Pierced Series and Breakfast in Bed series. When she isn’t writing, Sydney enjoys reading, swimming and the beach.

She also writes under the pen name Ally James. Sydney lives with her family in Greenville, South Carolina.

Sydney Landon

Sydney Landon