Seven Swords
Most of the attention, however, focused on the largest of the three pits. This pit dropped down twice the height of a man and stretched more than fifty feet across. Dirt mounds surrounded the pit, so the spectators stood five or six people deep around the edge of the pit. As Ca’daan and the others approached, the crowd cheered. Adrian pushed through, and the others followed to get a view, the crowd around them complaining of the jostle. When people saw Thorn, they stopped complaining.
Inside, a massive mountain of a man, even more significant than Thorn, fought with a massive two-handed axe. He wore a helm shaped like the head of a lion, complete with a mane of real fur. He wore golden armour dented and splashed with blood.
As they watched, he raised his axe and hammered it into the pit’s dirt floor. They saw his opponent roll outside the blow and come out on his feet.
Though dwarfed by the mountain, this man was quite large as well. Twin leather straps crossed his chest, and he wore leather breeches cut above his knees. Leather sandals were tied to his feet with laces that ran up his muscular calves.
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Michael E. Shea
Michael Erik Shea is a writer, gamer, technologist, and webmaster.
Mike primarily writes about the original table-top role-playing game, Dungeons and Dragons. He runs Sly Flourish, a website and Twitter feed dedicated to building better D&D dungeon masters, and wrote several books on Dungeons and Dragons, including Sly Flourish’s Fantastic Locations, Sly Flourish’s Fantastic Adventures, the Lazy Dungeon Master, and Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master. Mike has freelanced for several game companies, including Wizards of the Coast, Kobold Press, Pelgrane Press, and Sasquach Games.
Mike is also the son of Robert Joseph Shea, the author of Illuminatus! and other novels.
Mike lives with his wife, Michelle, in northern Virginia.