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By Jason Walker

A few days later, Agent Barker received a phone call and was told that the professor who would go through Tesla’s sea trunks was John Trump. Trump was a professor at MIT. He was known for being exceptionally intelligent. He excelled in high voltage physics and seemed the proper theoretical and practical man for deciphering Tesla’s images and designs and perhaps prototyping his “phantasmic” flying machines for the “greater good.” Agent Barker was sent to speak with him. When he finally tracked him down, the professor was found reading in an office cluttered, with diagrams tacked to the walls and other odd mystical gadgets spread out over his shelves and pushed to the front of his desk.

Agent Barker knocked on his office door and was welcomed in by the professor. “Dr Trump, I’m the FBI agent that phoned you yesterday,” he said as he walked into his small office and looked for a place to sit down. “Yes, I remember speaking with you. Thank you for showing up on time, Agent Barker. How can I help you?” said John Trump as he welcomed this brooding guest to sit in the chair before his desk. Barker said, “Let me cut to the chase to save us both some time, Professor. I’m not here for pleasantries. I request that you take a two-week leave of absence from work. We need you to assist us with a matter of national security.”

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Jason Walker

Born in the mountains of Western North Carolina, the author began his career in Radio Broadcasting in the late 1970s.


Having travelled the country, he has now, inexplicably, landed back in the town of his birth. Writing full-time and producing audio and video promotional products for authors takes up his days, and enjoying his life fills all the moments in between. Active in social media, he welcomes any opportunity to interact with his readers and sincerely believes that there is no such thing as negative feedback.

Something can be learned from the opinions of others, even if that opinion is less than glowing. You are encouraged to contact him via email, social media, or his website. As always, he thanks you for taking the time to read his words and hopes you enjoy them.

Jason Walker

Jason Walker