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The Black Bag

By P. H. Solomon

The pale carcass bloated under grey dawn as the last of the storm drummed rain on the roof. The other swine shied from the prize hog as if the magic behind its sneezing death lingered in the black mud. Within the house, Coryss blew her nose and brushed dark locks from her face. She wiped her raw eyes, which had grown puffy with tears and ringed with dark circles. Coryss stooped over the corpses, dead from the same curse as Bandor outside. Her hands trembled over her motionless mother and father.

The door rattled in its frame, and muted laughter fluttered on the wind. Coryss ground her teeth and measured cloth for the shrouds. No rest from those bothersome hags. She rolled Ma and Pa in the fabric and began the arduous sewing. Coryss pricked her finger with the needle and clenched her fist with a hiss. She must be clumsy with her grief. She resumed her task, and the needle trailed a thin streak of her blood on the cloth with the next stitch. The seams lengthened on the shrouds with several more red streaks as decoration. Coryss’ fingers ached, but she persevered for her parents. The door rattled once again.

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P. H. Solomon

P. H. Solomon is a lifelong fantasy geek who has travelled countless miles through the realms of fantasy reading.


From the frosty winter nights where the crackling fireplace warmed his limbs and imagination to the theatre oddball cheering Gandalf’s epic battle with the balrog, his love for fantasy runs deep. As a lifelong fantasy geek, you might say, “Geektastic is in his DNA.” And if you, too, revel in monumental fantasy moments and tread many a trail in late-night reading sessions, you and he are forged from the same fantasy anvil. P. H. Solomon weaves intricate epic adventures that combine everyday courage with extraordinary fantasy settings.

His characters embark on quests and face thrilling challenges, uncovering their true essence. Readers will find adventure and fun with P. H. Solomon’s immersive tales. Discover a young ranger haunted by his past as he’s drawn into a fantasy quest in the Bow of Hart Saga. Or, meet an arch-mage caught between a curse that might kill him and his life-changing losses in The Cursed Mage Case Files. P. H. Solomon’s rich, truthful fantasy settings, enhanced by his anthropological background, bring depth and authenticity to his novels. Characters face profound questions, formidable villains, and captivating journeys that enthral readers.

So, dear fantasy enthusiast, you’re invited to explore the realms of imagination alongside PH, where fantasy and reality intertwine. Prepare to be captivated as you gather around the flickering firelight, sharing the magic of words while striding on quests of wonder and adventure.

P. H. Solomon

P. H. Solomon