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The Chronicles of Crime

By Camden Pelham

Upon quitting college, by the practice of the time, he entered the service of Mr Gordon as a chaplain. In that situation, it became his duty to instruct the sons of his employer, children between the ages of eight and ten years. The family consisted of Mr and Mrs Gordon, the two boys, their sister (a girl younger than themselves), Mr Hunter, a young woman who attended to Mrs Gordon, and the usual menial servants. The lady’s maid’s attention and comeliness attracted Hunter, and a criminal connection soon commenced between them.

The accidental discovery of this intrigue by the three children was the ultimate cause of the deliberate murder of two of them by their tutor. The young woman and Hunter had retired to the latter apartment, but, having not fastened the door, the children entered and saw enough to excite surprise in their young minds. In their conversation subsequently at meal-time, they said so much as convinced their parents of what had taken place, and the servant-girl was instantly dismissed. At the same time, the chaplain, who had always been considered a person of mild and amiable disposition and remarkable genius, was permitted to remain, upon his making such amends to the family as were in his power, by apologizing for his indiscretion.

From this moment, however, an ingrained hatred for the children arose in his breast, and he determined to satisfy his revenge upon them by murdering them all. Chance, for some time, marred his plans, but he was at length enabled to put them into execution as regarded the two boys. It appears that he was in the habit of taking them to walk in the fields before dinner, and the girl, on such occasions, usually accompanied them. Still, at the time at which the murder of her brothers was perpetrated, she was prevented from going with them. They were at the country seat of Mr Gordon, situated at a short distance only from Edinburgh, and an invitation had been received for the whole family to dine in that city. Mrs Gordon desired that all the children might accompany her and her husband.

The latter opposed the execution of this plan, and the little girl was permitted to go with her parents only. The intention of the murderer to destroy all the children was, by this means, frustrating. However, he still persevered in his bloody purpose about the sons of his benefactor, whom he determined to murder while they were yet in his power. Proceeding with them on their customary walks, they all sat down together to rest, but the boys soon quit their tutor to catch butterflies and gather the wildflowers which grew in abundance around them. Their murderer was at that moment engaged in preparing the weapon for their slaughter, and presently calling them to him, he reprimanded them for disclosing to their parents the particulars of the scene which they had witnessed and declared his intention to put them to death.

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Camden Pelham


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Camden Pelham

Camden Pelham