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The Dawnvel Druids

By William Collins

The city’s pollution hung thick in the air, mingling with the damp from the recent rain, and the traffic sounds were a constant drone. She pulled her jacket tighter around her, thinking about leaving. Her contact was late. Simone tried not to think about normal teenagers. No matter how much she wanted it, that kind of life would never be hers. She probably wouldn’t even make it to her twenties. The odds weren’t good when you regularly battled beings from Otherworld.

She was beginning to regret going elsewhere to get the Orachun powder. She thought dealing with regular people would be the safer option. Indeed, anything was better than making deals with orcish gangs again, but at least she knew how to deal with those brutes. She’d teleported to London early to check for signs of a trap, but chasing down the goblins had cost her time. No one else knew she was here. Simone froze as the unmistakable click of a trigger sounded behind her.

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William Collins


William Collins is a 26-year-old writer from the UK and the author of The Realmers Series and the short stories Realmer Chronicles. A Darker Shade of Sorcery is the first in the series, followed by Moonlight War Act I and Moonlight War Act II, which have already been released. The Fourth book in the series, Angels and Elves, is coming soon.

William Collins

William Collins