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The Frights of Fiji

By Sunayna Prasad

Alyssa and Hailey dragged their feet up the steps. They burst into tears, reaching the top. Alyssa’s worry had come true. All she wanted to do was prove Uncle Bruce wrong. Would the evidence of magic ever appear? Alyssa entered her room and threw herself onto her bed. She sobbed and curled up into a ball. Tears even streamed down to her quilt. That mysterious person deserved the blame. He or she should lose privileges forever. Alyssa wished to escape this house. She wanted her godfather to let her live with him immediately. Even though her godfather could’ve been her legal guardian, Alyssa had moved here because Emily, her babysitter at the time her parents had died, had babysat Hailey, too. Emily had convinced the police to let her take Alyssa to her aunt and uncle’s house to stay for the night.

Emily also obtained Aunt Laura’s and Uncle Bruce’s consent over her cell phone. After Alyssa had settled here with them, they had become her legal guardians. Because her godfather hadn’t been able to attend her baptism when she was a baby, her church baptized her again when she was five. From then on, she and her godfather had shared a strong bond. He had sent her gifts during holidays and special occasions and had taken her on fun trips. He’d moved from Ohio to New Jersey after becoming her godparent so that he could be near her church. But shortly after she had moved in with her aunt and uncle, he’d found a job in Ohio and had moved back. However, he had still called and e-mailed Alyssa now and then.

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Sunayna Prasad


About the author: I started writing stories when I was around six years old. I wrote until the age of ten, when I took a break for six years. I returned to writing stories at about sixteen years old. Ever since then, I have enjoyed writing stories, particularly for children. I am passionate about world-building, fantasy, and magic. I especially like reading fantasy books and creating original magical creatures and enchanted elements. I also want to blog, cook, draw, and get active.

Sunayna Prasad

Sunayna Prasad