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The Honour of the Knights

By Stephen Sweeney

Although the CSN’s reappearance at the Dodds household was by no means discreet, the first Simon knew about it was due to the sound of his father cursing at the top of his voice and striding with great displeasure towards the Confederation transport craft that had landed close to the house. It had touched down in one of the orchards belonging to the family, damaging the valuable crop and sending his father into a rage.

Simon had been sitting in the study at the time, pushing a pen around various pieces of paper. At the sound of his father’s cursing, he left the house and saw the CSN representative who was making his way up the track, the man removing a white envelope from his jacket. Simon’s father strode past him, caring little for what he had to say and only about what was happening to his field.

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Stephen Sweeney


Stephen J Sweeney currently resides in England. Over the years, he has created several video games, including TANX Squadron, Project: Starfighter, and the Blob Wars series. He has also written several indie novels, including the best-selling Battle for the Solar System space opera trilogy.

Stephen Sweeney

Stephen Sweeney