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The Sicilian’s Betrayal

By Cindy Redding

Liz handed her client the receipt for the gold watch she’d purchased as a holiday gift.

With a burst of brisk winter air and laughter, a tall and handsome man walked in, with snowflakes sprinkled across the broad shoulders of his topcoat. His black hair glistened with melting snow. The woman on his arm was just as tall, with long, platinum-blond hair. She wore a full-length dark mink coat, the matching hat angled on her head, and on her feet were black high-heeled leather boots. They both carried gift bags from designer boutiques. The boxes peeking out of the bags were wrapped in red and green festive paper, with gold and silver bows, ready for Christmas. They were laughing and enjoying themselves, shopping along Fifth Avenue.

Coming around the long glass counter, Liz gave her client the gift-wrapped package. “Have a Merry Christmas. Please be careful out there. The Weather Channel is predicting a blizzard.” She walked with her client to the door where the falling snowflakes dotted the air and melted as they landed on the concrete.

“Thanks, Liz. Have a happy holiday.”

Liz turned with a smile to greet the new customers. She took a step back, her heart frozen, the greeting died on her lips. Rico! She hoped they didn’t notice her stunned expression. The man seemed to be looking through her as he said in his Italian-accented voice, “We wish to see the ruby and diamond necklace you have in the window.”

“Ah… Ah… Ye-Yes,” she stammered, her voice sounding strange to her ears. “Please come with me to our private showing salon.” Walking in front of them, Liz snapped out of her momentary daze and tried to control the turmoil brewing in her head. Her thoughts were running wild. It couldn’t be him, but this man could be his twin. Only Ricardo doesn’t have a twin.

Taking a breath, she opened the door to the VIP room, allowing the couple to enter. They placed their purchases on the shiny mahogany table. Then the tall, darkly handsome man helped the beautiful woman remove her coat. He gave the mink to Liz, without so much as looking at her. Hanging the fur on a gold-toned hanger, she placed it carefully in the closet. When Liz turned, he was there. She’d nearly walked into him.

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Cindy Redding


USA TODAY Bestselling Author Cindy Redding is a self-proclaimed romance junkie. She was introduced to Happily Ever After when Cindy read her first romance at age twelve. Since then, she has been hooked.

A native New Yorker, she’s lived on the beach in South Florida and is now in Las Vegas, NV with her husband of thirty-five years whom she married on Valentine’s Day. She has two daughters.

Cindy Redding

Cindy Redding