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The Ultimate Sacrifice, The Gifted Teens Series, Book 1

By Talia Jager

I watched Mira sleep, wishing I could sleep like she did. The nightmares usually woke me up. At first, it was only once in a while, but now it was every night. Mira’s long, ash-blonde hair was spread all over her pillow. Her thin lips twitched now and then. She was my protector, although she spent most of her time protecting others from me. Sometimes, I felt like I was broken. I had this rare gift, but I used it for the wrong reasons instead of using it to do good. There have only been ten of us documented in history. Ten mind-blowers. Some were locked up because nobody could control them.

Others were killed for the same reason. A few were able to maintain their gifts. And then there was me. I had Mira. All of the students here at Glendale Institute had gifts. Some gifts—like mine—were only supposed to be used in emergencies. However, with my short temper, I don’t think the gods planned that out nicely. How, then, did Mira get to me so fast? Noe. She was a predictor and could see things that hadn’t happened yet. Mira said Noe had called and tipped her off. Although we had driven to the town centre together, we went our separate ways when we got there.

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Talia Jager


About the author – Talia loves to create worlds and characters and often finds herself living through her stories. Talia is no stranger to labels and judgment. She has slowly developed her voice for those who need help speaking up. She believes that someday, labels will be a thing of the past, that sexuality will be fluid, love will be love and mental illness will be handled with love and care.

Talia has written several books, including Damaged: Natalie’s Story, Teagan’s Story: Her Battle with Epilepsy, If I Die Young, Secret Bloodline, Lost and Found, Falling for Fire, Touch of Death, The Gifted Teens Series, The Between Worlds Series and The Beyond Earth Series. Her latest release is the Beyond Earth series, a futuristic sci-fi series with a female/female love story. Stay tuned, for Talia has many other stories swirling in her head, and she can’t wait to introduce you to new characters.

Talia Jager

Talia Jager