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PAGES: 120

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Uncovering Lily

By Rene Webb

The sounds of partying and sex have finally ended, and the house has grown silent. Sneaking out should be easy. Grasping the door handle with a shaking hand, I whisper, “It’s now or never.” The knob turns, and the door thankfully opens—my captors haven’t locked me in the small prison-like room. Two days ago, at least, I think it was. I woke up disoriented from whatever drugs they had injected me and with the worst hangover I have ever experienced.

Last year’s tequila-fueled New Year’s doesn’t even compare! The small room swam before my eyes, and I was too dizzy to comprehend what was happening. I only knew one thing: I had been kidnapped. I have since deduced that I’m most likely not in Paris. They aren’t speaking French; instead, what I assume is Chinese Mandarin, so I have not understood a fucking word they’ve said to me through the drugged-induced haze. Last semester I should have taken Mandarin instead of fucking French. It would’ve been a hell of a lot more useful! Who needs to speak French anyway?

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Rene Webb


Rene Webb is an author of seductive + sexy romances where there’s always a happily-ever-after! When her characters aren’t talking to her, Rene enjoys reading, baking, seeing movies, going to museums, playing tabletop games, and spending time with her friends and family. She is also a self-professed hot chocolate snob. Her novels include the seductive romantic suspense series Rescued by the Billionaire Romance Series and the steamy contemporary romance series Pinetree Romance!

Rene Webb

Rene Webb