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PAGES: 175

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By Linda Barrett

They covered him now, as he recalled their honesty. But she’d hated that class. Said personal stories belonged in a private diary, not exposed to a bunch of strangers. She’d stick to numbers.

She’d loved him, too. Believed in him. They’d planned a future…at least he’d thought they had…but in the end, she wouldn’t leave her siblings.

His breath jerked at the memory. They could have had the perfect life: Wall Street for Jen; Broadway for him. Or rather off-off Broadway back then. Serious theater. He’d lined up a bartending job at night, too. He’d thought Jen was on board.

But on the day after graduation, she’d met him in Boston Common with shadowed eyes and a forced smile.

“What’s wrong, Henny-Penny?”

Avoiding his gaze, she’d said, “I’m not good at beating around the bush, so I’ll just come out with it.” She’d finally looked at him. “I’ve taken the position with Fidelity here in Boston. I can’t leave my family. I can’t move to New York.”

He stared, frozen. “How could you make such an important decision without discussing it first—with me? We’re the two that count here.”

“I know,” she said softly, “but I couldn’t take the chance that you’d change my mind. I’m so torn inside. I want to go, but I just can’t leave Lisa to manage everything. The boys are a teenage handful and Emily…well, you know sweet Em. Still not the most confident kid on the block.”

Her generous heart. He loved her for it, but… “Sometimes, Jen, loyalty can go too far. Your big sister’s not alone. There are two adults in that house.”

Her mouth wobbled, and she reached for his hand. “Technically, yes. But Mike and Lisa…? I don’t know. Something’s not right between them. I can feel it. I’m uneasy. They leave notes for each other and don’t talk. Mike comes home late often,

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Linda Barrett


Linda Barrett grew up in New York City, earning a B.A. and M.S. at Hunter College. In her teaching career, she first worked with children and then with adults, preparing them to take the GED exam. To keep herself from getting bored during long New England winters, Linda began writing romance fiction.

Her emotional stories have earned many industry awards through Romance Writers of America including the Holt Medallion, the Award of Excellence, and the Write Touch Readers’ Award among others. Linda and her husband live in Florida. They have three grown sons.

Linda Barrett

Linda Barrett