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PAGES: 259

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War Of The Animals

By Jonathan DeCoteau

Moon Shadow shook the harshest white winds off with an afflicted whimper. Her paws—icicles lined with nails—winced in their impending numbness. Still, Moon Shadow ran forward. In the distant echo of dreams, she remembered what it was like to live in the world before the end of the world. An illegally smuggled Arctic white wolf, Moon Shadow knew the love of her former masters before the new age. The tiniest of the humans reminded her of her pups, little balls of white fur that she hoped to cuddle until it was their time to hunt.

Yet, the same masters took her pups from her, putting them up for the highest bidder to steal. Even after seeing more of the great North American continent than she had ever dreamed of in her life of relative leisure, Moon Shadow had seen no sign of her pups. She wondered if they were now grown with pups of their own. In her heart, she knew it was unlikely that they survived The Rapsys, or Opening of Eyes, as the street dogs of her former town rather poetically referred to this massive change that shook the marrow of their bones.

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Jonathan DeCoteau


Jonathan DeCoteau is a nature lover who is firmly convinced that animals are smarter than most humans. He lives and teaches in beautiful, pastoral New England. See character profiles and author info at waroftheanimals.com.

Jonathan DeCoteau

Jonathan DeCoteau