When Totems Fall
The lecture initially focused on rookie player acquisition, but now, blossoming to full oration on the game itself, it wasn’t necessary. Dalton loved this favoured American pastime. He did, although, engage it differently than everyone else. Most fans zero in on a famous player or apparent focal point of the play. Big run: eyes on the tailback. Great tackle? Zoom in on the hit and ensuing smack talk. Single points of focus.
One, maybe two players at a time. In contrast, Dalton saw everything. Everything. An offensive lineman shifting six inches to the left instead of seven. A defensive back’s first three steps at a slightly reduced speed. He not only noticed these minute adjustments, but his mind registered their complex and interrelated impacts. At once. Clearly. And to a degree of perception and prediction beyond the reach of even the most advanced computing platforms. American Football proposed a giant moving formula to the former military man: a dynamic, living entity.
Every action and reaction of the twenty-two men on the field provided an ever-changing array of potentialities. Dalton factored and connected the unending lines, arcs, and data fields like a giant, three-dimensional display hovering mid-air. To anyone else: stunning and confusing. For the former signal corpsman? Simply the way he accessed his world. And the very reason his government had gone to such lengths in acquiring his services. Initially a frightening jumble of information, this innate sensitivity graduated to a hyper-aware, calculated view of all that unfolded around him. It was a gift—most of the time. But like any such gift, it had to be corralled and disciplined lest it lead to chaos and potentially madness.
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Wayne C Stewart
Born in Monticello, Kentucky, Wayne Stewart and his twin brother were adopted and eventually raised in West Virginia.
Both city and country life fed into his upbringing and gave him a unique perspective on social interaction in diverse environments. In August 2016, the author found his biological family and enjoyed the company of siblings and relatives who had been long lost but are now found. He wore many hats and started doing manual labour, farming tobacco, and construction. Later on, he drove a taxi and progressed to chauffeuring high-profile clients and then dispatching. That led to a general managing position, which he maintains that position today. Among other adventures, he spends much of his spare time repairing and upgrading various systems for his technology assistance company. He currently resides in the Greater Cincinnati area with his children and grandchildren.
Frustrated with the “Dear Penthouse” format from most erotic authors he had read on the web, he sat down and wrote a fictional fantasy, in storyline format, to post in stark contrast to the campfire tales of other authors. Intended to show as an example of proper authoring, it had the surprising effect of readers encouraging him, through comments posted on his fantastical tale, to continue the humorous erotica. That tale of erotic humour, which started as an example for a short story and ended up as a complete novel, caught the eye of a publisher and, in May of 2013, was published by Abby Adams Publishing.