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PAGES: 396

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Approaching Zero

By Paul Mungo

Approaching Zero: The Extraordinary Underworld of Hackers, Phreakers, Virus Writers, and Keyboard Criminals. This book was initially released in hardcover by Random House in 1992. I feel that I should do community service and release the book in the medium it should have been first released in… I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did… It provides a reasonably complete account of just about everything…

From motherfuckers, to Gail ‘The Bitch’ Thackeray…The book captures the exploits of the most accomplished data criminals, like Bulgaria’s Dark Avenger, whose viruses have devastated systems across the world, and Fry Guy, in Indiana, who, at the age of fifteen, tampered with credit records …

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Paul Mungo


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Paul Mungo

Paul Mungo