From Across the Room
In another age, my kind was near extinction, killed in battle while struggling to put on chainmail. Today, a writer can travel to a seaside resort, slouch on a padded lounge, and appraise your furious letter comfortably. Rest assured, I am toiling away on the book, but as a matter of principle, I must refute your accusation that I am again irresponsible. Again? You know my pages were delayed last time due to a simple miscalculation. According to my lunar calendar, I was a month early. Nevertheless, my delay in sending the promised chapters was unavoidable this time and shows a depth of character you might find hard to believe. Are you at least curious why I journeyed to the Hotel Del Coronado to find my muse? A hotel is the ideal setting. The onslaught of fresh arrivals provides constant fodder while the locale ensures variety.
Accurate, high-season calls for stamina; writing requires keen observation skills. Though some are born with this gift, the rest must learn the nuances of peering and loitering while enduring the occasional knock on the head with a beaded evening bag. Do you see what I must suffer for your greatness and the publisher’s profits? I am not trying to be flippant before you fling your spectacles and running your thick fingers through your thin hair. I am well aware that, as my agent, your income is based on my hard work, and losing Harper & Brothers Publishing is a distasteful consequence we both wish to avoid. My career is dependent on the publisher and their dotted line, so let me explain my tardiness with enough background and detail to appease, nay impress, our good friends at Harper’s.
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Gina L. Mulligan
Gina L. Mulligan is the award-winning author of two historical novels, REMEMBER THE LADIES and FROM ACROSS THE ROOM, and the Amazon #1 Bestselling non-fiction DEAR FRIEND; Letters of Encouragement, Humor, and Love for Women with Breast Cancer. After her diagnosis, Gina founded GIRLS LOVE MAIL, a national charity that collects handwritten letters for women with breast cancer.
Since its formation in 2011, the charity has sent out over 170,000 letters of encouragement to women nationwide. Gina has been featured on NBC NIGHTLY NEWS with LESTER HOLT, The STEVE HARVEY SHOW,,, O, The OPRAH Magazine, and Woman’s Day Magazine.