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‘Me and Nobbles’

By Amy le Feuvre

Bobby showed a good deal of anxiety about different things. His favourite sentence was always, ‘I wonder, Nurse ——’ and very often, noting the impatient frown on his nurse’s face, he would stop there and turn away to his favourite corner in the window seat, which he shared with ‘Nobbles,’ the comfort of his life.

Bobby was a very small boy, but a big thinker, and he would have liked to be a big talker, but grown-up people were not interested in what he had to say. So he talked in a rapid undertone to ‘Nobbles,’ who always understood, and who smiled perpetually into the earnest little face of his master. ‘Nobbles’ had been given to him a very long time ago by a sailor-brother of Nurse’s, who came to tea at certain periods, and who related the most wonderful stories of foreign parts. Jane, the housemaid, always took tea in the nursery upon these occasions, and she and Bobby listened with awed admiration to the handsome traveler. ‘Nobbles’ was only a walking-stick, with a wonderful little ivory head. It was the head of a goblin, Nurse declared, but Bobby loved it. Nobbles had very round eyes and a smiling mouth, two very big ears, and a little red cap on his head. Bobby took him to bed with him every night; he went out walks with him; he always had him with him in his window corner; and it was Nobbles who was treated to all the delicious secrets and plans which only a very lonely little boy could have concocted.

Bobby’s nursery was at the top of the house; he reached it by the back stairs and had to open a wooden gate at the top of them before he could get to it. There were two rooms, one leading out of the other, and both looked out at the back of the house. Bobby spent hours by the window, and he knew every inch of the landscape outside.

First, there was a paved yard with a high wall on one side, with a green door in it, through which you passed into a walled kitchen garden. This door was kept locked in fruit time; the gardener, old Tom, kept one key, and Bobby’s grandmother the other.

Old Tom was generally working in the kitchen garden, and Bobby watched him from his window with keen interested eyes. Beyond this garden was an orchard that ran down to the high road. Bobby could not see this road from his window, for a tall row of elms hid it from his view. In the summer, when the windows were open, he could hear the hoot of the motors as they tore along it. But he could see for miles beyond this road. There was a stretch of green fields, two farms, and a range of distant hills, behind which the sun always set.

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Amy le Feuvre

Also called Mary Thurston Dodge (Pseudonym).  Amelia Sophia Le Feuvre (1861-1929) was born in Blackheath, London, England. She grew up in a large family which employed a governess for the children’s education. Her father worked as a Surveyor at H. M. Customs – CSO. Her grandfather, James Mainguy, was a reverend in Guernsey. She dedicated her life to writing many books and stories that are filled with Biblical principles, for magazines like Sunday at Home and Quiver. Her publishers included Revell in Chicago, Dodd Mead in New York, Religious Tract Society in London, and Hodder and Stoughton in London. She died at Exeter, Devonshire after 68 fruitful years.


Father – Edmond Philip Le Feuvre (1824–1914). Surveyor in H. M. Customs (Her Majesty’s Customs) – CSO (Central Statistical Office). Married Sidney in 1856.
Mother – Sidney Mary Mainguy.
Siblings – William, Edith, Frederick, Henrietta, Charlotte, Clementine.
Grandfather (Mother’s side) – Rev. James Mainguy, Rector of St. Mary de Castro, Guernsey.


1861 – Born in Blackheath, London.
1871 – West Keal, Kent England.
1903-1914 (at least) – Moor Cottage, Okehampton Hamlets, Dartmoor.
1924 – 1929 (at least) – Portland Lodge, Exeter.

Amy Le Feuvre Books and Stories:

  • Adrienne
  • Alick’s Corner
  • Andy Man: A Story of Two Simple Souls
  • Around a Sundial, and Dicky’s Brother
  • Bit of Rough Road (A)
  • Bridget’s Quarter Deck
  • Brownie
  • Bulbs and Blossoms
  • Bunny’s Friends
  • Buried Ring (The)
  • Carved Cupboard (The)
  • Chateau by the Lake (The)
  • Chats with Children; or, Pearls for Young People
  • Cherry, the Cumberer that Bore Fruit
  • Cherry Tree (A)
  • Children of the Crescent (The)
  • Children’s Morning Message (The)
  • Chisel (The)
  • Christina and the Boys
  • Country Corner (A)
  • Cousins in Devon
  • Daddy’s Sword
  • Daughter of the Sea (A)
  • Dicky’s Brother; or, Thou hast Destroyed Thyself, but in Me is Thine Help
  • Discovery of Damaris (The)
  • Dreamikins
  • Dudley Napier’s Daughters
  • Dwell Deep; or, Hilda Thorne’s Life Story
  • Eric’s Good News
  • Four Gates
  • Girl and Her Ways (A)
  • Granny’s Fairyland
  • Happy Woman (A)
  • Harebell’s Friend
  • Heather’s Mistress
  • Her Husband’s Property
  • Her Kingdom: A Story of the Westmorland Fells
  • Herself and Her Boy
  • His Big Opportunity
  • His Birthday: A Christmas Sketch
  • His Little Daughter
  • Jill’s Red Bag
  • Joan’s Handful
  • Jock’s Inheritance
  • Joy Cometh in the Morning
  • Me and Nobbles

Amy le Feuvre

Amy le Feuvre