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PAGES: 167

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My Book of Indoor Games

By Clarence Squareman

The perfect “cabin fever” companion for energetic children cooped up indoors during the long winter months – or in urban settings where outdoor play is unsafe or unsavoury year round – Clarence Squareman’s 1916 classic MY BOOK OF INDOOR GAMES shares rules and clear play instructions for nearly 200 games, puzzles, riddles and tricks with which children of all ages can actively and intelligently amuse themselves without need for computers, video game play systems or TV.

Many of these games are so old as to have been long forgotten by present generations – allowing them to be rediscovered and made “new again” by children today. A great “idea book” for homeschool groups, teachers, childcare staff, or anyone caring about children, MY BOOK OF INDOOR GAMES is your child’s ticket to unending imaginative fun. The vintage cover and numerous interior illustrations make this book a tremendously nostalgic piece for grown-ups!

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Clarence Squareman


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Clarence Squareman

Clarence Squareman