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Paycheck to Paycheck

By Kirk Alex

Fifteen after 10 in the a.m. Waiting for Bro to show. Stays with his old lady most of the time. The kid likes to sleep in. He does not want to get up before 9 or 10. And without a bike (at least) to get around, I don’t get around. When I got here, there were three old bikes in the small front yard, in sorry/beat-up shape, but I was able to get around on one of them, a mountain bike (creaky, old; wobbly wheels, all that; they all have unbalanced wheels), but you do the best you can. Finally, the seat came off, and, not having any money coming in, I thought I’d take the seat off one of the other bikes, a girl’s bike, but that didn’t work.

I tried the other; that didn’t work, either. Problem with posts: too small or too thick. I had a bolt break on me as I attempted to tighten the thinner post taken off the yellow bike, etc., so now I can’t get around until that is replaced. It would take but a couple of bucks to buy, but when you don’t even have that. . . . Bro offered to go to the bike shop with me and pick one up. Okay, but here it is going on 10:30, and still no Bro. So much time is wasted this way. Get a late start like this, and there goes the day, baby. Lazing around is one thing, perhaps not bad when you’re young, but at 46, I don’t have that many days to throw away. Do I?

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Kirk Alex


His horror novel Lustmord: Anatomy of a Serial Butcher was a finalist in the Kindle Book Review’s Best Book Awards of 2014. He is also the author of the 4-volume Edgar “Doc” Holiday thriller series, the multi-volume Chance “Cash” Register blue-collar/working stiff series, a few other novels and story collections, and several volumes of free verse.

Kirk Alex

Kirk Alex