Radiance Experiencing Divine Presence
You may think you are not enjoying an experience, but if you touch deeply into yourself, you will discover enjoyment in even the most unpleasant experiences. The joy from these experiences comes simply from the ability to have them, the ability to be alive and experience them. The Divine enjoys life and celebrates every moment through every creation, regardless of what is being shared.
Therefore, you can find joy in any experience when you align yourself with the divine Self in you or Essence instead of the personal self or you that you think you are. This is tough to please. It can be having a lovely experience and still not be happy. You are programmed for unhappiness because it seeks that which can never bring true happiness. It goes after more and better and different from whatever is present, creating ceaseless searching and dissatisfaction with whatever is found. This is a miserable predicament, and yet this is the human condition. This is why humans suffer, but you are not human, so you don’t need to suffer this way. Once you discover your true nature, it is possible for suffering to end or at least be significantly diminished. The Divine doesn’t suffer in its life experience, and you don’t have to either. You can experience the joy the Divine has in life at any moment if you turn your attention to the moment (where the Divine, as Essence, resides), but you have to want to and make that choice.
This is the greatest obstacle to happiness of all. Many experience the Truth that lies in the moment and turn away from it repeatedly because there is nothing in it for the egoic mind, which is the mind that the ego or illusory personal self drives—you that you think you are._ _The egoic mind is the familiar voice in your head, the ongoing mental commentary accompanying whatever you do.
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Gina Lake
Gina Lake has been a channel since 1986 and a nondual spiritual teacher since 1999, after having a spiritual awakening.
She is also the author of over twenty-five books, has a master’s degree in Counseling Psychology, and has over thirty years of experience supporting people’s spiritual growth. After a further spiritual deepening in 2012, Mother Mary, Jesus, and a circle of Ascended Masters made contact with her, and Jesus began dictating books through her.
These teachings from Jesus are nondual (Oneness) teachings, based on universal truth, not on any religion. They are messages of love and peace and how to express that in your life.