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Shimmer: A Faerie’s Tragic Tale Claudette Melanson

By Claudette Melanson

Once upon a time, two faeries were very much in love. The female faerie was a Silver Faerie. Her eyes shone like newly minted human coins, and her hair was a night ocean, shimmering in the moonlight. Like the white-hot stars in a winter sky was the shine of her pale skin. And her name was Ariane. Ariane loved best a golden elf, whose name was Aurelia. In his eyes, she saw the light of a perfect June morning. His hair was a daylight, sunkissed ocean wave, and his skin was the colour of golden wheat swaying against a summer breeze.

They were summer and winter, brightest day and deepest night. Together—a perfect complement. Or rather, they should have been. Ariane always assumed she would be allowed to live with Aureliam forever. After all, they played together every day during their shared childhood. She’d given him her first dance and first kiss, but there was one more first she was waiting for. Her heart told her it belonged to Aureliam just as every other part of her, worldly and unworldly, did. But she had betrayed Aureliam, betrayed both he and herself, without realizing she had done so. One autumn day, a human boy appeared as she waited for the light of her heart to meet her in the forest. His hair was a dull gold, especially compared to the sparkle Aureliam’s held, his skin a sallow charade of the one she held most dear.

Worst of all were his eyes. They were a sort of blue that reminded her of a poisonous lizard she’d almost lost her life to as a toddler. As repulsive as he was—as nearly all humans and all faeries were to her—Ariane had a kind and soft heart. She felt pity when the boy spoke to her and allowed him to join them in her afternoon games. Aureliam was gracious enough to accept the human boy merely because she had.

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Claudette Melanson

Claudette Melanson writes dark fantasy, horror, and children’s books in Kitchener, Ontario, with six bun babies at her side: Beckett, Lafitte, Sansa, Daenerys, Caramel & Gumbo.


She graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a BA in English, a BS in English Education, and an MA in Literature. Her deep admiration of vampires since the age of five left her wanting to become one eventually, and now, she fuels the creation of her favourite paranormal characters. She hopes to one day work full-time as an author since there are many, many stories playing out inside her head.

In her very scant spare time, she enjoys watching Japanese anime, reading vampire stories, and other genres of great fiction. She also rides every roller coaster she encounters in her hometown and away at signings. An advocate for good health and ketogenic eating, her favourite foods are bulletproof coffee, cashew-flour crust pizza, and treats made with xylitol, almond, coconut, or cashew flour.

Future dreams include a cabin boasting a roaring fire, isolated inside a snow-filled wood in the Yukon—the perfect writing spot—and completing dozens of future novels and stories. A rabbit rescue fanatic and loving bun mom, she also hopes to help rescues worldwide and save many innocent lives.

Claudette Melanson

Claudette Melanson