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The Black Cross

By Olive M. Briggs

It was night in St. Petersburg. The moon was high in the heavens, and the domes, crowned with a fresh wreath of snow, glittered with dazzling whiteness. In the side streets, the shadows were heavy, the façades of the great palaces casting strange and dark reflections upon the pavement, but the main thoroughfares were streaked with silver. Along the quay, all was bright and luminous, as at noontide, the Neva asleep like a frozen Princess under a breastplate of shimmering ice.

The wind was cold, the air frosty and gay with tinkling sleigh bells. A constant stream of people in sledges and on foot filled the Morskaïa, hurrying in the one direction. The great Square of the Mariínski was alive with a moving, jostling crowd, surging backwards and forwards before the steps of the Theatre like waves on a rock; a gay, well-dressed, chattering multitude, eager to present their tickets or buy them as the case might be, and enter the gaping doors into the brilliantly lighted foyer beyond.

It was ballet night, but for the first time in the memory of the Theatre, no ballet was to be given. Instead of the “Première Danseuse,” the idol of Russian society, a new star suddenly, miraculously almost, dropped from a Polish Province and played himself into the innermost heart of St. Petersburg.

The four strings of his Stradivarius, so fragile, so delicate and slim, were like four chains to bind the people to him; four living wires over which the sound of his fame sped from city to city, from province to province, until no musician in all Russia could play as Velasco, no instrument like his with the gift of tears and laughter as well, all the range of human emotions hidden within its slender, resinous body.

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Olive M. Briggs

Olive M. Briggs offers a compelling narrative in The Black Cross, intricately woven with vibrant threads of historical intrigue and rich character development.


Briggs’s prose is both eloquent and accessible, inviting readers into an immersive world that blends the dauntless spirit of adventure with the nuanced exploration of moral complexities. Positioned at the intersection of classic literary traditions and contemporary historical fiction, the book serves as a poignant testament to the enduring nature of human resilience and the quest for identity amidst the tumultuous backdrop of our shared past. DigiCat Publishing’s meticulous reproduction of this work underscores the commitment to preserving the illustrious tapestry of world literature.

‘The Black Cross’ is a timeless piece that transcends the periods in which it is read, retaining its relevance and potency. Olive M. Briggs’s authorial journey is informed by a profound engagement with historical narratives and an undying interest in the cultural forces that shape societies. The dedication with which DigiCat Publishing has approached the republishing of Briggs’ work suggests a deep reservoir of passion and scholarly diligence. This same passion likely spurred Briggs to document such a textured story, contributing to the heritage of human expression through the written word. The meticulous craft exhibited in ‘The Black Cross’ likely springs from rigorous research, personal conviction, and a desire to foster a connection with the reader over time.

‘The Black Cross’ is a must-read for fans of historical fiction and those seeking to understand the human condition through the lens of literature. Briggs’s work is a celebration of the storytelling tradition, and it holds appeal not only for its narrative prowess but also for the enduring questions it poses about courage, honour, and legacy. Readers will find within its pages a treasure that resonates with the soul of world literature, a beacon that shines through the fog of history to illuminate our present with the wisdom of the past. DigiCat’s preservation efforts assure that ‘The Black Cross’ will continue inspiring and challenging readers for future generations.

Olive M. Briggs

Olive M. Briggs