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PAGES: 127

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This Unhappy Planet

By Marc Horne

California: everyone is visualizing their reality, and two guys are getting rich. Then one day a young marine decides to walk into the ocean, and everything changes. It is a twisted comedy of manners set in Southern California during the end of the George W Bush years, where two friends create a business to exploit those around them who hunger to become masters of their universe.

As their “Spiritual Fitness Club” takes off, hardworking Jack is forced to deal with the dark, amoral tendencies of his wife and the mysterious past of their top guru. While the affluent and idle San Diegans play their games, an obscure war crime and a euthanasia outbreak slowly…

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Marc Horne


Marc Horne was born in England, where he learned to read and write. He now lives in Paris and is working on his second novel.

Marc Horne

Marc Horne