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Chester S. Geier

Chester S. Geier (1921-1990) was an American author and editor who began publishing work of genre interest with “A Length of Rope” for Unknown in April 1941; he was very active in the Ziff-Davis stable (for Amazing and Fantastic Adventures) in the 1940s, where he published a large amount of routine material under his name and pseudonyms including Guy Archette and the House Names Alexander Blade, P F Costello, Warren Kastel (initially used for collaborations with his friend William L Hamling) (Geier had been deaf from the age of twelve; Hamling could do sign), S M Tenneshaw, Gerald Vance and Peter Worth.


Book-length tales include “Minions of the Tiger” (September 1946 Fantastic Adventures), Forever is Too Long (March 1947 Fantastic Adventures; 2012 dos), and “Hidden City” (July 1947 Amazing); plus “Outlaw in the Sky” (February 1953 Amazing) as by Archette, which is essentially a Western with a few science fiction transpositions. Geier ran the Shaver Mystery Club (see Richard S Shaver) as a favor to Ray Palmer, editing the Shaver Mystery Magazine on its behalf; he had collaborated with Shaver on Ice City of the Gorgon (June 1948 Amazing). Although he was one of the more prolific Pulp-magazine writers, his short stories have never been collected in book form and only two, “Environment” (May 1944 Astounding) and “The Children” (April 1951 Fantastic Adventures), have been anthologized.

Some out-of-copyright titles have been reissued posthumously.

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