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Mary E Thompson

Mary E. Thompson grew up loving to read. As a child, she hid under the covers with a flashlight and convinced herself her parents didn’t know she was up.


As an adult, she no longer needs a flashlight, but now she’s hiding from her kids instead of her parents. When Mary’s not reading, she’s playing with her two kids or living out her real-life romance novel with her hubby. She has a weakness for chocolate, especially when it’s paired with peanut butter, and has been known to have a bad day just because there’s no chocolate in the house. Unless there’s wine. Then everything is okay.

Mary grew up in Buffalo, New York, and swears she’s the only local to never ski or snowboard. Soccer was always her sport, with adventures in white water rafting and skydiving to keep things interesting. Mary moved to South Carolina for college but missed Buffalo every day. Yeah, she thinks she’s crazy, too. She somehow convinced her South Carolina-born and bred hubby to return to Buffalo to raise their kids and live out their lives. He’s still not sure what he was thinking.

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